

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Creative ideas from 'The Declaration of You'

This book is a riotous journey of creativity and colour, and has some fab ideas that I want to get stuck right into.  So, here are my creative plans, thanks to this book:
  • Future Me Letter - I love this idea, to write a letter for yourself a year from now. 
  • Care squares - caring for ourselves in a huge priority but it often gets put to the bottom of the to do list.  I am going to make pretty cards with advice to myself like 'take time out to meditate' or 'have amanicure' to brighten up the day.
  • Celebration jar - this is my absolute favouritest of them all.  Get an empty jar and lots of pieces of pretty paper and write lots of affirmations, self care ideas and fun things to do, decorate the jar with ribbons and stickers and dip in for a boost when you need one :-)

Monday 12 August 2013

Creative adventure

As I enjoy my creative explorations, I am using several resources to help me - to inspire me and boost my ideas.

First of all, I've joined a few Facebook groups.  It's always nice to share stories and meet likeminded people.

I've invested in a couple of books, namely 'Art Doodle Love' and 'The Declaration of You' to get the juices flowing.

E-courses also really good resources and I'm working my way through Leonie Dawson's beautiful online workbooks and later I will be registering on Jani Franck's 'Unleash Your Creative Nature.'  Jennifer Lee's amazing box kits and a course called 'Blog Love' by Red Velvet also look like worthy investments.

Of course, I will be sharing my work here.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Raw chocolate

As I work towards a healthier lifestyle, I have resolved to eat less sweet things.  But I have also decided to look for healthier alternatives.  I love chocolate, so I am now going to incorporate raw chocolate into my diet, so I can still get my fix and be healthy at the same time!

As I enjoy making and baking in my kitchen, I bought a kit to make my own raw chocolates.  The one I chose is from and includes organic raw cacao butter, organic raw cacao powder and Sweet Freedom, which is a low GL natural sweetener made from fruit.  These chocs would be naturally high in antioxidants, dairy free, gluten free, refined sugar free, soya free, egg free, additive free and guilt free!

Here is the kit itself, the butter melting and the chocs in their mould (purchased separately from the ingredients).  It's really simple to make the chocolate - simply melt the butter in a double bain, then blend in the sweetener and powder.

I am pleased to confirm the finished product was delicious!  I am so glad that I can still include chocolate in my diet.  I still have plenty of cacao powder left to use to make hot chocolate :-)

Saturday 10 August 2013

40 x 40 Walk of Life Challenge

I signed up online for this challenge because I enjoy walking and wanted to encourage myself to do it every day.  It seems to be the easiest and simplest form of exercise to implement into daily life. 

Yesterday I went for a walk in the local park and enjoyed it.  It was nice to be in a green and leafy area and to be in a space, physically and mentally, away from a dreary, stuffy office.

If you think you'd enjoy a daily walk, here are my tips:

Do what you can
If walking is a whole new leisure pursuit for you, just do what you can.  Walk to the shop instead of drive. Get off the bus at an earlier stop.  Walk the stairs at work.  Then gradually, take a stroll around the local neighbourhood and work from there.

Wear comfortable shoes
I feel much more at ease in my pumps, rather than heels or sandals.

Don't let the weather hamper your efforts
If it looks like rain, take a quick walk around the block.  Wear a raincoat!

Record your efforts
Why not take photos to share with friends, or write a walking journal?

Sunday 28 July 2013

Selling cards

Had a fantastic time yesterday at my first event selling my cards. It was really fun. What a great opportunity to get feedback on my cards and also support a good cause at the same time. I think it was a good day for the Autism Directory and a chance to see a swishing event for the first time.

Friday 26 July 2013

List of lovely crafty blogs

Recently I've been exploring lots of beautiful blogs.  Pretty, feminine designs and templates really appeal to me, as well as crafty ideas and projects.  So I thought I'd share my list of favourites with you.

Saturday 20 July 2013

Trip to Aberystwyth

I spent yesterday in Aberystwyth, working on an event in the National Library.  I went to university in Aberystwyth, and lived there for a year after graduating - working in the same hotel where we stayed on Thursday night.  It's only my third time back in the four years since I moved away, and although it's a pretty town in the sun, I'm glad I moved away. It wasn't the place for me to build my career and future.  I doubt I will ever be a frequent visitor, but it was nice to go back, and be happy to come home to Cardiff.
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